Firstly, lets all congratulate Kelly & Sid on their terrific find. The first confirmed transatlantic passerine vagrant for Glamorgan. However it has come to my attention that certain birders present were not happy with certain events that took place yesterday: the controlled walk-through of the long grass to obtain views for everyone present and if possible get some record shots for the description. When these walks took place they were with the consent of everyone I asked. There were 4 county recorders, 2 Welsh Rarity panelists, 2 former county recorders, both WRP and one BBRC panelist. Plus all 5 GRC members and the great and the good of South Wales birding all present. Only 12 had seen the bird and we had been present for over 40 minutes since the bird had last shown. There was also the time factor, the gates are locked at 19.30, so all present would have to leave by 19.15 to make sure they could get out with their cars. This practice is used in certain circumstances. It was done with care and those chosen did it with professionalism. At no time was the bird spooked, otherwise it would have flown off never to be seen again. We ALL saw the bird, and we all left with a tick, whether lifer or Welsh. No one came up to me and said anything against last night's walk-through, all were thanking Sid & Kelly for their find. So to hear later that I was called a Cardiff bastard, along with Mike Powell is not something I, or Mike likes. I had a father, who was decorated by the King for bravery in the last war and Mike's dad is retired, so we're not bastards. Lets get our facts correct shall we - birders from east, west, north & south all shared the walking, it wasn't just Cardiffians. The birders concerned, and they know who they are, have a nice American vagrant on their list. I would leave at that and enjoy the moment.
David Gilmore (GRC)
Not sure what all the fuss is about as the walk through was carried out with care and consideration for the bird,I certainly didn't hear anyone object where I was standing and all were well pleased to see the bird even if they were only flight views.In all fairness due to the nature of the habitat the bird was favouring it was the only way that all ALL who attended were going to get to see the bird.
come back 'no-mates' all is forgiven.
I would like to report from my point of view on proceedings yesterday. I was lucky enough to arrive in time to see the bird in full view before the main crowd arrived. I am a very inexperienced “twitcher,” mostly waders, Marmora’s Warbler and Baltimore Oriole apart. I don’t mind stating that before the first walk through I wasn’t sure about the idea. This bird was a clear skulker and waiting for it to show again would have been my preferred course of action. However this is very easy for someone who had already seen it very well to feel.
The walk throughs were conducted in a controlled manner and every time the bird got up it never looked like flying very far. In fact the closest it came to flying off was when a runner went past before the main crowd arrived.
I returned for this bird again this morning and waited from first light till 10:15 for it to show with no luck. The group that had built up this morning agreed to a similar course of action to try and prove whether the bird was still there. This was, I think, quite important to establish this morning.
It is difficult to say whether the bird would have showed any better yesterday or indeed whether it would still have been present this morning if left alone? It would be wrong to say that either Jake or Mike P acted in any other way than for the benefit of yesterdays crowd. Their course of action was bold and in my point of view, on reflection, the right one.
I write this comment to show my support to the way yesterday’s event was run. As a contributor on another channel I should also say how good it has been for me to be able to put faces to the names I follow in our area. I look forward to the next one.
Wise words Mary and a fair relection of how the overwhelming majority of birders there felt about proceedings.
"Let him/her without guilt cast the first stone" comes to mind as the few who have commented about the behaviour of some of us there have clearly forgotten their constant flushing of the Sker Short-toed Lark a while back in order to obtain some sort of reasonable views....
What I want to know is what went on last thing to make the bird fcuk orf, as it looked settled.
Great views of it not long after the majority had gone.
I don't think it was unduly disturbed, despite making tongue in cheek comments to Randal.( So if I'm being alluded to in the list of moaners you can get me off at the next station).
All present had voices yet I didn't hear anyone complaining, though it was a topic of conversation this morning amongst people who were not there the evening before.
If it was my decision I would have mist netted it and put it on a luminous stand in a mesh topped glass case with a bowl of seed.
Ps The Somalians are available for hire for a sack of Trill if needed...
....and his backpack's full of sandwiches if anyone's hungry....but on a more serious note, arrrgggghhh, shipmates, there were one or two desenting voices last night. They would have preferred the bird be left to 'pop up of its own volition'. Which is of course very admirable. Personally I find twitching and taking the moral highground once you've arrived a little bit of a flawed philosophy to be honest which is why everyone saw the bird last night and no one dipped! Best avoid the moral highground is my best advice (hmmm, note to self), unless of course you dip then 'fire away'.
PS. If the bird has left then I should imagine it has more to do with the cloudless, moonlit night than those 'bastards' dasterdly deeds. Although I agree they are bastards (in the nicest possible way of course).
predicted rhetoric
I see that someone obviously has taken umbrage with the events at Bobs gathering.
Snipe I hope that it is removed as quickly as you removed my remarks in the past.
Message to the poster, you would have more respect if you put your real name there, but seeing as your probably a Eunuch that ain't going to happen.
Also if you feel that strongly, give up birding as your actions in watching birds will lead to some form of disturbance.
I also bet that you would be the first to complain if people started suppressing birds so that they were not disturbed.
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