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Monday, 20 September 2010
Grey phal?
Report of a Grey phalarope on the shore by Cardiff bay ice rink yesterday....
'Scoped the Bay from the Ice Rink - no sign of a Grey Phal although if in remotest corners of Bay would be hard to find from there. However - there was a partial moult B-h Gull with a nice smudge behind and part over the eye, feeding very much like a Grey Phal, as they often do, spinning around and picking stuff off the surface. Along the shore line by the distant yacht club. Could be mistaken by novice with just bins due to behaviour.
Arrrrrrrrghhhh, well oi never, that wench be walking the plank very, very soon, ain't that right shipmates.....aaaarrrrrgh (you just don't get this sort of entertainment on other blogs, not unless it's smell like a brachiopod friday, then there's no stopping them, next week it's converse with a pyralid moth through the medium of jazz dance. That starts this Thursday at Llanbobble Folk Club (eight till really, really late), can't wait)
Not sure who Lianne is but had I not been away for the w/e I would have checked it out. Will go over there today & post my findings.
'Scoped the Bay from the Ice Rink - no sign of a Grey Phal although if in remotest corners of Bay would be hard to find from there. However - there was a partial moult B-h Gull with a nice smudge behind and part over the eye, feeding very much like a Grey Phal, as they often do, spinning around and picking stuff off the surface. Along the shore line by the distant yacht club. Could be mistaken by novice with just bins due to behaviour.
Sorry - should have said:
Well me hearties, oi looked very 'aard with me spoi glass, but oi couldn't foind anything loik the little bugger, aaaaarrrrrgh.
Arrrrrrrrghhhh, well oi never, that wench be walking the plank very, very soon, ain't that right shipmates.....aaaarrrrrgh (you just don't get this sort of entertainment on other blogs, not unless it's smell like a brachiopod friday, then there's no stopping them, next week it's converse with a pyralid moth through the medium of jazz dance. That starts this Thursday at Llanbobble Folk Club (eight till really, really late), can't wait)
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