
Please note that all photographs,records and descriptions remain the property of the person(s) posting them.Permission must be obtained from the relevant owner before they may be reproduced or copied.

Membership of the blog is free.To participate simply email your details to swalesbirding@gmail.com
Note: if you click on Photographs then press F11 images will become larger. Please post a max of 3 shots/day,unless the shots are of rarities.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Enough is enough...i`m outa here!!!

I`ve decided to start a blog. Just next door to this one.
Photography has become ridiculously competitive in Glamorgan lately, in fact Britain!!
I`ll probably post photos here occasionly but will post on the sister blog.
No tears please!
If you wish to visit, the blog is ... southwalesbirder.blogspot.com Hey, I can even have my very own `lounge` and post pictures of naked women and ..... Goodbye !!


Randal M Snowdrop said...


Seymour said...

Goodbye and good riddance!

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Shit photographer too.

Meehan said...

Bless him...

Hammer Boy said...

It's always been competitive Steve and always will be unfortunately! best of luck.

Richard G Smith said...

If you think this is competitive try getting something past Birding World - SG personal blog mag
Ive had my own blog for about a year now - but as yet I haven't told anyone about it!
You have outed me..............

Barry Stewart said...

I've given up my subscription to BW as I got tired of paying for the privelidge of looking at SG's holiday snaps. What's your blog address Rich?

Richard G Smith said...

Its secret!!!!!!!
I am thinking of a picasa album instead - its the tedious uploading of the tedious pictures that I find painful

Slaphead said...

give jalbum.com a butchers.

Randal M Snowdrop said...


Steve Hinton said...
