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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Found outside the Gower


Slaphead said...

I knew we should never have presented such a magnificent trophy to Sid,I overheard him talking on his phone to someone called O'flagerthy metals or something that sounded similar,it went:

"Dew,orite butt,I gotta crackin' bit of moolar for EEEwe butt,how much EEEwew payin' for top quality pewter then butt?"

"Tae be sure der seed,ter proise has gan roite down hinfact its naw lower than the doggers list,yeel be better dompin the ting sir for sure.".

"Dew butt,I'll just dump the bugger when none of these Cardiff bastards are lookin' like."

Brother Sid, you have been rumbled you ungrateful gitt,that trophy cost us a small fortune we'll have you know.Randal did a sponsored wind-up,Portly and CR ran a 'flush to your hearts desire' course for local critics,Wader promised to sell his new 'bird' photos (which showed some lovely birds from the Phillipines displaying...well not a lot(he made a fortune off the dogger for them by the way))and Alex did a smile-athon.So we hope you can sleep well at night,comforted in the knowledge that we know what your plan was.

ps has publically stated 'he cannot guarantee your safety in metropolis.'

word verification for this post was 'diper', spooky.

Jeff said...

Re:Poll-should Sid be publicly flogged :-

Would that be:-

a)"Ow that f....g hurt but I luvs pain really"


b) on eBay without a reserve and free P&P.

Clive Ellis said...

I,I,I,............'m lost for words,i realy am Sid,shame on you.

Paul Parsons said...

Shame on me! I went inside for a piss and someone had nicked it by the time i came back. I know it was bigger than yours Clive, but really...

Clive Ellis said...

Sid Sid oh dear Sid,i went back inside too and i also rang you,so don't come to the city with your big fancy excuses,it just wont wash let me tell you.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I only hope that the little baby jesus does not get to hear of this selfish and unchristian act.
At this christian time, myself and Slapster (a bit like Bob and Midge trying to help the Ethiopians a while back) were only trying to help the Llynfi, and you've just thrown it back in our faces, you ungrateful bastard. I don't remember seeing Ethiopians throwing profiteroles, segments of Terry's chocolate orange or mini-Scotch eggs at Lenny Henry or Bono when they dropped by for lunch, after we'd sent them all that money for food? What has the world come too?

DRWG said...

To tell the truth, Sid couldn't live with the fact that all this fame of finding the county's first yank and the knowledge that a huge cup had just been placed in hands was just too much. Coupled with what was said to him by drinker in the Gower last night. The man in question was unknown, however he noticed the coup-de-grande in Sid's hands and politely asked what he [Sid] had done to be in the possession of such a cup. Sid replied that he won it for finding a bird. The drinker looked at the cup and then back at Sid and stated that, with a face like yours, and that accent, it was well won! The emotion of the evening and those final comments were the last straw, Sid ran off into the night, leaving the said cup on the wall to be found by a more worthy winner.

Paul Parsons said...

OK Clive, i admit leaving the cup there but i wasn't going to carry the it home anyway, not with all the top class goods i succumbed to in your flashy shops. Now that it is still in circulation, i think it should be polished up and engraved "Bird of the year" with every years winner going on it, like the FA cup. Imagine, in a few years time, when the entries on it accumulate, everyone and his granny will be out scouring the county hoping to get their name on it!

birdcarver said...

I'll have it, if you don't want it sid...handy for washing my brushes out...mark