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Thursday 30 December 2010

Looking for LEO....

and a blurry Gwent pic.
Came across this beauty early am whilst out looking for Owls.
Green Lane which is the Gwent/Glam front line and it walked across the boarder.


MITCH said...

They seem to be everywhere at the moment Clive except Lamby lake,i said that because i know one will turn up now.No sign of any Waxwings in Cathays cemetery between 9.30-10.30.

Clive Ellis said...

Popped over to Lamby in the hope of Bittern and had 65 BH Gulls instead.
Huge flock of Starlings over Maerdy Farm and 1 Little Owl in the lane opposite scrappys.
Thought it might be abit early to give you a call Rob.