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Monday 20 December 2010


As information filters through to SWB HQ here at Dorothy's in Caroline Street, the sheer scale of cheating and duplicity that saw Clive's RLB make it to the top of the charts for String of the Year has finally become apparent. Always ones to see that fair play is adhered too and the fact we still have one unclaimed trophy to be given out (we've got one for Frank Dobson too - if anyone sees Frank can they let him know), we thought we'd make it a little easier for the less classy out there who don't know a top quality string from a straight forward run of the mill string. Up for grabs this time is the trophy everyone wants 'The Best String Never to Have Won String of the Year 2010 Cup'. Goodluck.


Clive Ellis said...

Chicken curry and chips twice please.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Salt and Vinegar?

Anonymous said...

surely its a mistake anyone can make. We've all been there, you know, fleeting glimpse, no call, bad light,no id guide, can't get a clear view for a photo... it's not like they netted it and had it in the hand and took shit loads of measurements, photos and drawings is it?
I think you are being a bit unfair including this as genuine string Rand