
Please note that all photographs,records and descriptions remain the property of the person(s) posting them.Permission must be obtained from the relevant owner before they may be reproduced or copied.

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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Scottish Highlands

And a few more from Colin..............


Anonymous said...

Well posted Jeff, you are the third person he has asked to post on his behalf, you should tell him that he can post them himself.
He's not usually shy, that's why our counties schedule 1 species and sites get splashed about a;; over the place.

Anonymous said...

Colin did you manage any shots of the mynydd bach bunting, other than in your head that is?

Slaphead said...


Randal M Snowdrop said...

Now, now....

The Dude said...

If these shots were taken recently, where is all the snow?

Anonymous said...

Dude I think it was taken up in Scotland whilst he was harassing Dotts, pretty much the same as he does down in Carmarthen on passage.
Slap I'm only saying what others are thinking;-0, they aren't normally hard to photograph.
Rand it was a long day and I hadn't had a toke

Jeff said...

And there was me "Big Hearted Jeff" just doin' someone a favour - bollocks to that from now on,I'll just stick to posting my own photos !!

Anonymous said...

Jeff he asked me to post the same photos ages ago , he also asked someone else, like I said to him , join up and post them yourself.
The problems with him not you, but he knows that that,s why he stays away

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Colin's welcome to post here anytime. As is anyone with some good photos. Stunning shots btw.

Clive Ellis said...

Surely they need a sense of humour too Randal.

Anonymous said...

Rand the man asked me ages ago about posting pics , so as I told him get in touch with you or Slap and he can join.
What's so hard about that, I ain't wasting anymore key board time on the tw@ so that's all from me.