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Saturday 8 January 2011

Common Buzzards:Llanddeusant

There were half a dozen or so Common Buzzards feeding as well.


Anonymous said...

What`s this!! Another Long eared owl claim and Ruddy Duck why is Clive keeping secrets??

Clive Ellis said...
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Anonymous said...

Too right Clive.

Victor Kiam said...

Clive, in the last month alone you've found a great white egret, rough-legged buzzard, 2 baltic gulls, long-eared owls plus all the numerous padders such as waxwings, water pipits etc. Not bad going. Have you thought about going professional and starting your on bird tour company?

Anonymous said...

Clive ignore the sarcasm, from what I can see there's not many people the hours in that you do .
Vic your razors are shite!

Anonymous said...

putting in the

Clive Ellis said...
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Randal M Snowdrop said...

If you bite any harder you'll end up on display at Ashton's in the market!
So the Ring-billed Gull is still around? Any particular age? Are you seeing it in any particular spot? I'm sure any 2011 year-listers would be grateful for some gen?
Same applies to the Long-eared Owl. A roost? Bird watched hunting? Location? Etc
If you suppress birds/ information then are you suprised when you don't get a call or given the info about the roost at Kenfig or news about rarities. Just a few thoughts!
PS Take some pictures

Clive Ellis said...
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Billy Wizz said...

Dont Bite mate just read and smile - read and smile, i did with the MARWA

Anonymous said...

Is this LEO roost at Kenfig in the now or past?

Randal M Snowdrop said...

With such a variety of roosting options for them at Kenfig the words needle and haystack spring to mind. I've seen single birds in the past in the north pool bushes sunning themselves in the early morning sun.
Best ask Clive as he seems to know more about it than most?

Clive Ellis said...
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Clive Ellis said...
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