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Thursday 13 January 2011

Top birding site to open near the Metropolis

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Anonymous said...

A brand spanking new haven for Gulls is being talked about by environmentally friendly energy supplier Western Power.It hopes its plans to turn the present site , dubbed by some as the largest dog bog in Wales into something that should have the wildlife there increasing in no time.
A spokesman for the CCW who only spoke on condition of him being anonymous(as they are as an organisation when it comes to protecting wild life), said that for two species Gulls and rats in particular, good times are just a couple of Ashcarts away.
Western Power said that it was great to be in a position to give something back to Wales, (especially as we are charging our customers there above the national average for electricity)
An anonymous gull expert from the Llynfi said " oh fcuk I'd best brush up my skills as a pugilist or there's no gulls for me.

Phil B said...

PMSL....thanks Misty.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I love the smell of disposable nappies in the morning....as it wafts across the homes of RAG members. LOL

Slaphead said...

full of rareties too