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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Spring coming soon

Wheatear at Portland today.


Richard G Smith said...

Too right! I have a pair of Brambling in breeding plumage visiting my garden & a singing Blackcap (subsong)

Seymour said...

Honey Buzzards will undoubtedly start appearing shortly too.....

Slaphead said...

the very conversation we had last night in the Gower young Seymour,after all they do 'tend' to turn up come early March and the irony is that the observer tends to have seen thousands abroad.Never the less they tend to be still in Africa in March and most of April.Honey blizzards you just gotta love 'em.

Anonymous said...

You two are ever so naughty, but correct.
Notes to observers , they tend not to be perched up on lamp posts, rarely spend time circling above the local hospital and definitely don't hang about in the golden valley looking for scraps at the local Chipper

Anonymous said...

Still a couple of Goosander on the local pond

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Once again this blog stoops to even lower depths than I had previously thought possible. What sort of serious minded birdwatcher is going to take us seriously now? This is a serious hobby for serious people, not the sort of frivolity that usually gushes across these pages like the flood gates have burst on the local sewage farm. Grow up and get serious.

tiger said...

I used a "Chipper" to get on the green in my golfing days

Seymour said...

And your "Chopper" back in your polygamous days?!

tiger said...

shame I never managed a "hole in 1" !

Seymour said...

I manage 2 holes in 1 to this day; I'll have to demonstrate the next time there's a local twitch...

tiger said...

will look forwaed to that - I blame my "handicap", had a "birdee" & "Eagle" in the UK but seems unlikely I will ever get a "Albatross" !

Randal M Snowdrop said...

That's quite alright Seymour, Tiger might 'look forward to it' but the rest of us know only too well the immature depths of which you both speak and no doubt plumb. Quite literally judging by your cheap golfing analogies. As I have mentioned in previous posts, if you could see your way to growing up we'd all really appreciate it here at SWB. This is exactly the sort of childish and frankly 'cheap' stunt that is bringing this blog into disrepute by 'serious'recorders.

tiger said...

seriously then, I thought the bad language recently used on this site was quite disgusting, so hopefully that has come to an end !

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Apologies Tiger, I was just trying to save you from Seymour's demonstration of his 'golfing'prowess! Trust me, you'll thank me for it one day.

tiger said...

gee, thanks for the warning Randal, I was quaking at the knees thinking I might meet him perhaps at Glam canal where things like Cormorant get twitched !

Slaphead said...

did anyone actually twitch the 'shag'?