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Sunday 26 June 2011

"Practice Shots"

Collected a "new" (well secondhand) lens yesterday evening and had a few hours this nmorning having a practice with it.


MITCH said...

I knew it was only a matter of time Jeff,brilliant results.What did you go for after? Watch out Steve the competition has just improved.

Jeff said...

Hi Rob,managed to pick up a "minter" Canon f4 IS 500mm on eBay at a good price,it's a weighty beast so will take some getting used to,we'll have to get out soon,you can show me the Little Owls.

Clive Ellis said...

Only if you keep it to yourself Jeff.
I haven't spent long hours in the field to share with those lazy (incert applicable swearword)'s,see around 4 or 5 some mornings and see you around 4 or 5 for good views one morning.

Jeff said...

My lips are sealed Clive !!

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I'll tell you were it is and I'll save Jeff the trouble of sewing up his lips and getting blood all over his new lens.

Jeff said...

Lens came with a full set of camo neoprene covers so a drop of blood is not going to hurt it,will hurt me a little more though by the sound of it !!

tiger said...

looks like I ll have to sell the car to keep up with Jeff et al, lagging behind Big-time !1

MITCH said...

Me too Tiger,although maybe a Sigma prime second hand might be reachable.

Steve Hinton said...

It was the competitiveness why I started "my blog".

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I have absolutely no idea why you started your own website (and blog) and even less why you started all the other sites:


and my personal favourite:

I would have preferred it though if you could have worn more than the sweater.

Steve Hinton said...

" Hello There"

Clive Ellis said...

Why are my comments failing although once posted they are being shown as updated?

Steve Hinton said...

I blame Randal! he`s always up to something!!

Slaphead said...

it was decided that all of Clive's posts would be vetted prior to going live,just in case he used his gutter language,as 'concerned' might get upset.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Why is everything always my fault? All I did was try to save Jeff the pain of having to sew up his own mouth (Clives' suggestion), next thing Clive (Clive again; is there a pattern developing here?) is advocating shooting dogs and blithering on about the star sign Leo. Before Clive starts up his own premium rate 'Mystic Meg' call line and starts predicting the future I thought I'd expose the charlatan for the fraud he is and save all those concerned parents a fortune when 'little Jimmy' starts ringing Clive for tomorrows bird news.

Clive Ellis said...

So its like that is it?

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I'm only amazed you failed to predict it yesterday Nostradamus .....'is there anybody there?.....hold on, I'm getting a voice coming through the ether.....it's a male voice....he's saying he's very thirsty, very, very thirsty.....wet my lips, wet my lips he's calling'.....

Clive Ellis said...

You and me going to fallout if you carry on.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Funnily enough I was just reading the tealeaves in the bottom of my cup of PG Tips when I thought, if I carry on, you and me are going to fall out. Spooky.

I had a very similar text from Val Doonican this morning but that's was more to do with the size of the wader's ukulele.

Slaphead said...

do I sense the return septic Peg?

Randal M Snowdrop said...

'Caustic Clive' is our new wise sage. Upset him and he's likely to give you a good fisting but on a plus note, much as I can only look forward to this, the implementation of the Cliveometer Rareomatic Compass going into full swing this autumn and predicting all of the biggies coming our way can only be viewed as a positive tool for this blog.

Richard G Smith said...

Back to the subject Jeff that lens is crap - I'll buy it off you for what you paid for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff said...

There's no chance of that and you know it !!

steve howcroft said...

May be a good idea to wear a life jacket on the biscay trip,in case this blog spills over....!

Clive Ellis said...

Is anybody interested in a free ticket or maybe Steve would like to auction it off and I will still pay.

Jeff said...

I've juggled my holidays and agreed with Clive to take his place,I'll liase with "The Wader" regarding payment and train tickets.

tiger said...

so long as you leave the lens at home - too intimidating, what ?

Jeff said...

I doubt "The Wader" will be leaving his at home so I'm not goin' to either!!
We'll just have to stand at opposite ends of the boat to balance it !

tiger said...

so no competition between the 2 of you then ?