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Wednesday 20 July 2011


Richard G Smith said...

Getting better all the time!!

Can we rent the hide please?

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Let's be honest, it was about time?

And no; I have it on good authority that Steve 'I'm not competitive' Hinton has soiled the inside of the hide to dissuade other photographers from entering his and Slaphead's 'special friends' den.

I ask you? When is this 'photographic' childishness going to stop? It is frankly blighting bird spotting for all those serious recorders who like to fill in spreadsheets, draw bar charts and produce maps with dots on them. If Major Sorrey-Trout was alive today, not only would he be very old and smell distinctly of wee-wee (a bit like RGS) but I'm damn sure he'd not put up with this nonsense. This situation is an outrage and needs to be stopped before someone gets caught in one of the 32 man-traps and bear pits Hinton and co have set around this 'secret location'.

On a lighter and certainly less aromatic subject, this sparrow in Lianne's garden sounds interesting. Despite what Mark (...) at Kenfig (...) thinks (...). Anyone managed to get in touch with her?

MITCH said...

These recent photos are superb!God i wish i had one of those lenses.

John Wilson said...

fao Randall. Nigel, we are hoping to get some pix from her. She seems pretty confident it isn't anything else we have suggested, but you never know. Acc to her latest info her dad has taken some pix but she hasn't seen them yet. Watch this space. Apparently it keeps visiting so she's hoping to get some pix herself, then we can see one way or the other.

Steve Hinton said...

John it`s all dragging on a bit!!! lets get in there !!!

John Wilson said...

Not much we can do until we know whereabouts. Smudger has asked her to call him when she has some pix, or has seen her fathers pix. No-one seems to have considered Italian Sparr, altho' less likely of course. I do recall back in about 1996 or thereabouts, my old pal Lol Middleton had a funny sparrow in his garden in Sully, with a brown crown, which was thought to be a poss Italian or even a hybrid. I seem to recall photos were taken, but this was b4 the big lens days and they were inconclusive. Also it only appeared a couple of times. We have to be patient - these may be elderly people who don't want all teh world and his wife descending upon them.