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Thursday 28 July 2011

Death in the Afternoon

This murdering Sprawk has been around the street all summer so far its had Goldfinch, House Sparrow and Collared Dove.
Prob. the same one that visited all winter and breeds close by.


MITCH said...

Phwoarrrrrrrr! what a beaut!

Jeff said...

Great shots Rich especially the flight shot !!

Jeff said...

I take it that your resident Goldfinches have survived his "sorties" so far ????.............

tiger said...

Great shots, have been trying to phot the male been taking a Sparrow daily for a few weeks now but varies timing & wife sees it more than me - galling !

Richard G. Smith said...

They apparently breed close to the house according to the "Hughes"
It often sits on the garden fence -I was planting an apple tree and it landed right behind me - I mean almost on my shoulder! on the fence before it realised and flew off.
It had the first of my Goldfinch 1st brood (now on second)- took it right out from under the adults nose - amazing. I see it almost every day with something in its talons - I guess its feeding young