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Monday 11 July 2011

Little Owl - A Charity Appeal

Please send your Little Owls into the appeal team; if you can't find one to send in to the appeal then milk bottle tops or used stamps can be sent as an alternative to the usual address. We will accept Tawny Owls as a last resort just please make sure they are wrapped appropriately (make sure there's an adult present if using a sharp implement to cut string or wrapping paper; better still get an adult to do this for you). If you struggle to get your owl into a suitable padded envelope, apply only gentle pressure to wedge your owl(s)into said envelope.

Strictly no barn owls will be accepted by our dedicated team of appeal co-ordinators. Please don't send any cash, make sure it's a cheque (with guarantee card details) or a sizeable postal order. We also accept gold, precious stones and copper.

It is hoped that if enough owls can be collected we intend to melt them down and have a statue commissioned by someone with a hammer, chisel and a foundry. This will then be cast into the form of Cardiff's only endemic bird species, the Teeny Tiny Tawny Owl. In a single stroke of genius we will end this sorry saga.


Randal M Snowdrop said...

Next month we will be accepting house sparrows. These we intend to paint to look like Tree Sparrows, thus reversing the decline of this species within our region. Any other bright ideas will be gratefully received.

Jeff said...

Does it matter if the little fellas are dead or are you only accepting live ones ?

Anonymous said...

What if we paint a few bars here and there on the odd buzzard, then you really will have Honey Buzzards perched atop of lamp posts