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Saturday 2 July 2011

One,two,three !

Few more boring pics of Little Owls from this morning,well worth the early start !


MITCH said...

Quality!superb images.Great little characters aren't they?

Jeff said...

I never tire of watching Little Owls,they do indeed have bags of character.Thanks for the info on them.

Slaphead said...

Your first shot is superb Jeff,not that the other 2 are half bad mind!! but please be aware that if someone finds a nice photogenic scarce bird and does'nt tell you where it is,you know why.Personally I could'nt give a stuff about the whereabouts,myself and Randal have found and seen a number of them down by the Railfreight terminal anyway a few years ago,no doubts the same birds and their offspring.

Jeff said...

Don't wish to fall out Nige,goodness knows there's enough of that gone on in recent months.
I was told in confidence by Mitch where the site is and agreed that I would not pass on the whereabouts to avoid disturbance.
If Rob wishes to pass on the information to others then that is his perogative to do so.
Why is everything on this blog so f....g controversial !!

Steve Hinton said...

Nice photos Jeff, sorry I have to say something,
As you all know my feelings about suppressing birds and the lack of the grapevine. Having spoke to a few others today we all feel the same way.
It does appear that there is a bit of gloating and maybe a clique starting! Rant over.

Slaphead said...

Falling out is the last thing on my mind Jeff!!!LOL.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Clique? Falling out? Grapevine? Disturbance? I'm so concerned about all of this I'm off to lay down for a while. Perish the thought that some innocent young child should glance upon these pages and see such filthly words as 'suppression'.
While I'm on the subject of foul and abusive language......Jeff, if you could please reign in your potty mouth and not use the 'f' word in future it would be appreciated. Small children and their concerned parents may be offended, plus it paints us all in a very dim light.
To stop the use of such profanity could all posters please use the following terms when being abusive to one another(thanks):

F##K = bother
W#####R= rotter
C##K= Slaphead
B#####D= naughty boy
T#####R= Randal

So, Slaphead you are a complete bothering naughty boy not to mention a total bothering rotter of a Slaphead Randal.

By using such language it is hoped that we will become less controversial and generally nicer all round.

tiger said...

any chance of me having a go Mitch, pl ring 07709225887, expect camouflage gear & warpaint required / let me know where & when we can meet, dont have to tell anybody else, secrecy is the word !!!

Jeff said...

Forgive me Randall for I have sinned,I will not utter such a profanity again and there's me a concerned grandparent,the misssus I'd washing my mouth out with carbolic as I type,I will not use the word flipping ever again on this blog.
Sincere apologies for my indiscretion,you have my permission to keelhaul me on the ferry (sorry I meant galleon...Arrrrrrrrgh) in 8 weeks time.
Nigel and Steve both make good points and I cannot argue against what they say.
Steve-there aren't any cliques and nobody is gloating,far from it,if you visit and get some great photos I'll be the first as always to congratulate you !
All I did was to tell Rob that I wouldn't tell all and sundry about the site,Rob is at liberty to tell whoever he likes and is not part of this argument.
Known Little Owl sites are few and far between and I for one would like to continue to visit the site in years to come as I expect would you and be able to photograph these crackin' little birds,it would be a shame to look back in a few years and reflect back on a site which the birds had deserted because it was overrun by visitors.
This is a really difficult argument to reason,I suspect you already know where the site is,if you don't phone me and I'll tell you.
I know that if you visit the site you would use the correct fieldcraft to watch and photograph the birds and that is in no way mean't to sound patronising,other people probably wouldn't use any fieldcraft whatsoever and before we know it the birds will have gone.
I will not be accused of suppression,I could put the exact location on this blog or the GBC sightings page so that every man and his dog and go there and disturb the birds but that is obviously a ridiculous thing to do.
Myself,Rob and anyone else who knows the site are therefore in a "catch 22/no win" situation.
Anyway,counter-rant over,I'm so pleased with the lens,as you well know it's an awesome piece of kit !!

Anonymous said...

Boys, all I can say is that sometimes you can't all share in the birds.
If I was of a mind I could have gobbed of about good spots to go photograph any number of rarer birds but it wouldn't do the birds any good, so I haven't.
At the moment I could show people for two lumps of material in Pine trees with Crossbills sitting on top of them, big lens boys be right in their element .
It's not about the birder photographers behaviour that keeps me quiet , it's the array of none birder Photographers that would soon follow.
So don't go on about suppression and having a go at Jeff as he's just respecting someones wishes. He wouldn't be told for too many things if blabbed to everyone. just go out and find birds yourself , it's much better and then you can make the call ... or not.
Randal you Slaphead, Slaphead you Randal ;-) oh and nice photographs Jeff

Steve Hinton said...

Misty, I couldn`t agree with you more, what should have been said is simply "due to disturbance the location will be undisclosed" rather than "you can rely on me not to tell anyone" or "thanks for the info my lips are sealed" or words to that affect.
Why all the secrecy on line! To me that is `suppression`.
Im not having a go at Clive, Mitch or Jeff, I have a lot of respect for Mitch and if I had called him I`m sure he would have shown me.

Jeff said...

Fair comment Steve - probably a poor choice of words by myself,diplomacy not one of my strong points on times.