
Please note that all photographs,records and descriptions remain the property of the person(s) posting them.Permission must be obtained from the relevant owner before they may be reproduced or copied.

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Thursday 21 July 2011

Steve s hideaway

thanks to Steve & Nigel for allowing me to share their hide with them


Slaphead said...

you're welcome.

Jeff said...

Great shots Cliff,fantastic spot isn't it !!

tiger said...

sure is cap n - hoist the sails !

Steve Hinton said...

Cliff, have you been on the Sherry?

tiger said...

4 shots on Birdguides tonight - no name, assume yours Steve or you have an interloper (not Sherry Steve, red wine)

Slaphead said...

they're mine you plonker.

tiger said...

why leave your name off then ?

Slaphead said...

I too am a plonker.It was'nt until I posted them that I realised I had not put my name on them.