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Sunday 24 July 2011

Today is the day that we will find out what is in that garden in Kenfig Hill. Or will we!!


Slaphead said...

It is going to be very interesting should it be what we all pray for. But what if viewing is to be restricted to a one or two people?,who would be selected?,who would make the selection?.Should it be Wader,Smudger or Snipe as they were the first to ask the questions to Leanne,should it be CR? he is the CR after all,MCP? he is WRP rep,should it be you or me? or maybe draw lots and end up with some numpty who has no idea what it is? its all going to be very interesting indeed. Lets just pray that it is a Spanish sparrow and viewing will be organised and open to one and all. Fingers crossed.

Seymour said...

I would appoint Randall as Master of Ceremonies. In the unlikely event that it should turn out to be a *** Sprog, he would be the right man to keep order and turn away any unwanted riff raff (eg. The Mints, Gary Bagless etc.). Randall junior would provide the perfect added deterrent should any of the assembeld hords become too unruly.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I would be only to happy to defend Lianne's garden from the sort of riff raff you describde. Unfortunately I have it on good authority that the garden has already been staked out by the 'in crowd'.Hmmmm.

Slaphead said...

'in crowd'? pray tell.

Richard G Smith said...

Its not a Spanish Sparrow its an aberrant HS apparently.
Photos - non pro with a finepix heavilly cropped are good enough to eliminate Spanish Sparrow.
No access will be afforded to any doubting Thomases though we would love to have a decent shot to speculate how it got to look like it does = no I have not seen it or the photos just passing on what I've been told

Jeff said...

Why hasn't a posting to that affect been put on the GBC sightings page to put a stop to all the speculation ??? !!!