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Tuesday 2 August 2011

Biscay latest

 harrrr, Ahoy all ye landlubbers, in 4 weeks we set sail across the sea,with fa'ourable winds and a good tide,plenty o' ale and women,a good time awaits all. Aye.
 Aye, thar be whales and dolphins a plenty already A pence for an old man o'de sea.Aye.

Stuff that: I received an email from Seymour twats mate (his other one), Dylan Walker regarding the latest news from Biscay.It reads:

Hi there,
Latest trips in Biscay with the School of Whales and various partners have been very good for dolphins, especially Common and Striped Dolphins. Other sightings have included Fin, Sperm and Cuvier's Beaked Whales. From now on these sightings should become more frequent.
I hope that helps.
Best wishes,

Dylan Walker

should I get any more news from Dylan I will post it.


Jeff said...

That do be soundin' promising -Arrrrgh !!!

Richard G Smith said...

Company of Whales web site should have daily records?

Steve Hinton said...

wakey wakey!!

Steve Hinton said...

wakey wakey!!