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Monday 1 August 2011

No news on the Pec.Sand.

Quite literally,no news from anyone on this 'probable' bird,thanks to nobody for getting the news out so quickly to everyone in the county.WTF is going on in Glamorgan?


MauriceC said...

Assuming it was a Pec. It could well have been the same bird that was at Goldcliff on Saturday evening. I went there on Sunday morning without hnowing about it but there was no sign. A number of local birders were present.

Alex said...

From what I can see the news was posted up pretty much straight away on the other channel so not really sure what the problem is here. It was only claimed as a possible and had clearly flown off anyway. Had it been sat on the deck and showing well then I am sure there would have been a few texts flying around, followed by oh dear, do I really have to yomp all the way out to Kenfig river mouth for a bloody Pec!

Slaphead said...
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Slaphead said...

for those of us that rarely view the other channel anymore a simple text would have been welcomed,in a similar fashion to others who have received texts in the past.A heads-up might have roused others to look for it? then again it might not!

tiger said...

how many Pecs does one need to see ?

Slaphead said...

still need it for Glamorgan mate.:-(

tiger said...

just trying to wind you up Slap, hope you get one soon !

Paul tabor said...

slaphead come on now mate i think you are over reacting a bit, like alex said it was a prob bird that had flown off high and far, the chance of relocating the bird was very slim and i personally wouldn't waste money on texting everyone on a bird that might have been, and that have flown to god knows where, i'm a close friend of martyn and i didn't receive a text off him but i know for a fact that had the bird still been present then he would have got news out to as many people as possible.And anyway if you read the other channel like everyone else you will see that the news was posted instantly.

Slaphead said...

Begs the question badger,why was'nt it posted here? contrary to popular belief no-one is barred from posting here or ever had their invite to blog revoked.I also believe that had it been anyone on here,me included, who used SWB and not the GBC,they would have posted to both sites to make everyone aware.

Paul tabor said...

slaphead good point but i was under the impression that both sid and martyn have been blocked from using this site i don't know the full story and i may have it wrong, but since the GRC was formed a few people on this site was not happy about it causing a bit of a stir, that's my understanding anyway but like i said i may be wrong you need to speak to them yourself.

Slaphead said...

Just to clear things up,NO-ONE is, has ever been or indeed ever will be blocked,barred, banned or otherwise from this site.With regard to GRC and the 'stir',I think it best we leave that subject well alone,you don't know the half of it mate.