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Friday, 16 December 2011

Dear Santa

What avian delight would be most welcome in the local stocking this year or in January to start 2012 off with a big bang. ( not down the chimney as the RSPCA would object) ?


John Wilson said...

Ditto, Ross's Gull .... and Ivory too or is that being greedy. Sadly dipped on the Gileston Ivory.

MITCH said...

Yeah! i missed that one too John.

Steve Hinton said...

Best bird I evet saw !!!

Alex said...

Ross's Gull would be nice addition to my Glamorgan Gull list! Somewhat surprised we have yet to nail a showy Caspian Gull somewhere, considering birds in Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and Shropshire this winter. Given Isabelline Wheatear and Bobolink in recent years maybe we ought to start thinking a big bigger. A bird that seems to have been increasing in recent years will do me. Red-flanked Bluetail.

steve howcroft said...

So many possibilities , stellars eider would go down well..

Richard G. Smith said...

27 Griffon Vultures feeding on a dead horse at RGW.

The hard part is already done!!

Randal M Snowdrop said...

You're right Alex, think bigger...I'd like a gull species too...now which one?

MauriceC said...

Yes. Caspian Gull is becoming a bit of a pain. Next biggie however is likely to be something totally unexpected.