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Sunday, 19 June 2011

UPDATE: Pelagic 2011 across Biscay, 30th Aug-1st Sept. NOW FULL.

We now  have NO places left even after being let down by a  'definite 2 places please', the itinerary is:- leave Portsmouth @  Tuesday 30th Aug 17:00hrs (check in @15:00hrs) over night sailing across the English Channel and the Northern bay, we will then be over the  deep waters and canyons from dawn until 18:00hrs. after a brief docking at Santander we will sail over night and the following morning in the Northern bay and Western approaches before docking in Plymouth late afternoon.

World renown cetacean guide and author Dylan Walker will be onboard with a group and apparently 'bird watch' magazine will be onboard with their own party,so there will be plenty of eyes looking out.The restaurants and bars are apparently very reasonable and offer a high quality,varied menu.

 Train fare to Portsmouth from Cardiff central is (at the time of writing) just £8.00 (Great Western) and the return from Plymouth to Cardiff is £19.50 (again Great Western).

Already booked are:

Nigel Addecott
Tom Lloyd-Addecott
Steve Hinton
Nigel Fairney
Cliff Woodhead
Richard Smith
Steve Howecroft
Joek Roex
Jeff Slocombe
Allan Rosney
Alun Hughes and
John Wilson

 Can everyone going please pay for their trip asap.Thanks.


Seymour said...

Dylan Sleep-Walker and World Renowned Tooth Grinder more-like! Top bloke, most enthusiastic and best all-round guide I've worked with.
I'd love to come but it's too close to California I'm afraid.
Goodnight from Unst.

Clive Ellis said...

Please sir can I come?Tides coming in Tara.

Slaphead said...

Shame Seymour,we were going to offer you a freebie with all the ale you can swill and as much tucker as you could stash in that (very large) belly of yours.

Clive ,sorted,now go get another harrier.

Anonymous said...

Can you include more swear words when you post, we have a reputation to keep down ;-)

Randal M Snowdrop said...

I too have become very concerned about the lack of foul mouthed postings and general good natured banter that is frankly dragging us down the route of general lovilness. It's a disgrace when you consider the years we spent dragging this 'hobby' through the gutter, down the sewer, round the U-bend only to belly-flop from a great height into a massive dung pile. This must stop. Concerned parents the length of this county are frankly concerned. Being concerned is no laughing matter. No amount of potty mouthed rants are going to alleviate this concern. It's a much more serious issue than just being mildly worried, it's C-O-N-C-E-R-N. It's such a serious issue that even John Busybody has felt the need to express his concern that's it's not in fact anything to do with his concern. All in all, a very concerning issue. I have no doubt that you'll agree and express your concern.

Clive Ellis said...

Damn and blast who do I give the money to and what about the auction lolly too Steve.Oh I hope I am not sounding common with the mention of cash in public?

Is the train ticket included or do I purchase it myself dog-gammit?

Randal M Snowdrop said...

You can leave the money with me (ahem)....the train ticket is extra. I assume we'll all travel down together(ish), so we'll let you know the times etc asap so we can book early and get some cheap deals.

Slaphead said...

I too am super-dooper concerned,for flopping flippidy flops sake we are (allegedly)the ONLY site that has ever used naughty words.Gosh!! and if there is any future use of gutter talk on here or any where else on the internet come to think of it, then a public mouth washing with soap (Imperial leather will of course be used,you get a lovely soft lather) will follow.Let that be a warning to one and all.

Lots of ever so friendly love and hugs XXX

steve howcroft said...

Spiffing commentary mr web master, so heartning to be associated with decent folk whose sole aim is to have profound discussions without the use of the baser language that some undesirables might use...

Slaphead said...

looky here Howcroft, you are just taking the tinkle are you not?

steve howcroft said...

Absolutely old bean, ones aim in life is never to insult , degrade or fall out with anyone,oh deep joy xx

MITCH said...

Ghastly language!

Anonymous said...

I'm flipping fed up with all this potty talk,it just shows us up for the ***** ** ******** **** we are.
My advice for the anonymous posters on the other site is thus put your name where your mouth is, or just **** ****** ** ****** ******* ***** **** AND GROW SOME

Slaphead said...

Oh joy,oh rapture,mr howcroft was'nt taking the tinkle afterall

steve howcroft said...

I suppose I'm banned now for commenting.? Or does it take a lot more to achieve that level ..xxx

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Any suggestion of a lack of any of the following will be seen as a breach of 'concern' that proper bird recording/ stringing (delete as appropriate)deserves and you will be banned:

1) Failure to be properly attired (no camo, ripped or torn jeans, no caps with feathers attached, no one sporting a whistle or with their socks tucked into their trousers will be taken seriously, no pipe smokers, no one wearing clogs or riding a bicycle with a whicker basket attached to the handlebar will be allowed - please note, wide brimmed hats are also frowned upon).
2) Excuses for the misidentification of any species not on the BBRC list will only be accepted with a doctor's note and/ or, one from your Mum allowing you to skip games because you're blind.
3) Excuses for the misidentification of any brightly coloured species on the BBRC list will only be accepted if you have both of the above, and you can play the Hammond organ better than Ray Charles.
4) Excuses for the confusing of Lesser and Common Whitethroat, or Twite and Lapland Bunting will only be accepted if you have all of the above, plus you take longer to do a jigsaw than Stevie Wonder, AND you can confirm that you're a worse shot than Lee Harvey Oswald.

Please take note.

MITCH said...

Phew! my Pink Hot pants will be ok then.

Slaphead said...

Not at all Mr.Howcroft,quite the opposite,we have decided that you will be given a ladies dumpling shaped hat, a truncheon shaped like a thingy and blue flashing light to annoint said hat.You shall from this day forth be known as 'the sweeney'.You should scour this blogette for poop talk and shop any guilty party to the so called 'boo boys'(once hailed as the 2 fittest looking hunks,most likely become porn stars)for the dishing out of a damned good wigging.

Love and hugs XXX

Slaphead said...

Hot pants?

steve howcroft said...

Hot pants !! Surely no one would tramp along RGW in hot pants?

Clive Ellis said...

And why not?They happen to be the height of fashion in the East,you lot want to get with the times.

And another thong,how the hell is someone to get string trophy without stringing.

Slaphead said...

flip me Clive,its only blummin' June and you are fishing for the coveted trophy,gosh give us mere mortals a flopping chance you ninny.

Clive Ellis said...

Pay where and when?

Clive Ellis said...

Pay where and when?

Slaphead said...

if one would be so kind as to make telephonic communication using any of the listed contact numbers,a suitable and convenient appointment can be arranged.

thanking you awfully,

happy Slappy

John Wilson said...

Cheque in the post. Apologies guys for causing so much "concern"! :-)With hindsight, which of course is a wonderful thing, I think the post on 'my' channel was a deliberate attempt to start some mischief, which of course succeeded 'cos Mr John [Gullible] Busybody here immed jumped in with his "nothing to do with us guv, ask them" rather than just deleting it. Fell for it hook line and wotsit :-( Do I need to bring my water wings on the boat, for fear of being pushed over the side when not paying attention ;-)

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Clive, you've gone straight to the top of the charts with 2 grey partridge on RGW. The last time I saw a grey partridge in Cardiff was in the 1980's. Well done, you're single handidly pushing back the boundaries of species decline in the UK with the sort of casual aplomb of a proper gent wearing a sporting titfer and gaw blimey suit. Spiffing stuff.

Dear 'Concerned Busybody of Penarth', you'll pleased to hear that your trip aboard the Black Pig to the Spanish Main will coincide with 'Talk like a Pirate' week....argggggghhh, 30 pieces of silver, arrrgggggghhh. Did we mention that all participants should be in fancy dress? Can you guess the theme?
PS If you're thinking of going as Black Beard and you need a bird to sit on your shoulder, please note that clive has confirmed he's planning to go as either a yellow-eared parrot, a white-eyed river martin or a labrador duck. Apparently, it's down to whichever one he finds first on the wharf. my money's on the duck.

Clive Ellis said...

They have been released and there is more than two,also a shedload of pheasants.

Anyway who wants paying and with what(cheque/cash)and where.If I'd known yesterday then Steve could have had it.

And another thing who ever has it would they mind awfully getting my train tickets.My broadband is still down.

Anonymous said...

Clive, call me slow if you want but if your broadband is down how you getting to post, telekenisis?

Clive Ellis said...

Homing pigeon.Technology is beyond your wildest dreams down here in the big smoke.How about that Mr Slow.

What the **** is tele*******con*******kneeces anyway?

Slaphead said...

its standing on the top of mountain number2 and shouting as loud as you can to mountain number3,if that fails,light fires,lots of them,hence the burning mountains.

steve howcroft said...

Tele...... Whatever, think about going to the pub, same ..