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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Out and About

A wander along the superb new coastal footpath at Rhymney Great Wharf was a pleasant if somewhat bird free affair. After a few hours of failing to discover even one new species for science I left contenting myself with nearby barn and little owl.

A quick trip to Forest Ganol on the way home to view the forest clearance/ habitat management currently in progress left me wondering whether there's a new by-pass about to be constructed through the woods. A quick read of the Core Managemnet Plan for the Cardiff Beech Woods SAC (Fforestganol a Chwm Nofydd SSSI componenet)  reads as follows:

The woodland has been managed for some time for nature conservation. Selective thinning, removal of sycamore and ride creation have occurred in the past. The current policy is one of minimal intervention. There are areas of semi-natural woodland and plantation where all the trees are of similar age and there is little regeneration. Selective thinning in these areas may be required, to increase the age structure. A review of the percentage of beech present should be undertaken in certain locations


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