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Monday, 20 May 2013

Slap`s new lens

Silly sod buys himself a lovely new lens and did`nt realise he has to have a canon camera to use it!!  DOH!!!
Felt like half the weight of my 500 F4!
Always wanted a 300mm  2.8 and this one is the mutts nutts!
Welcome to the world of the big boy lens!
 Greater Pecker has had a very rough time of late with nearly all of his red nape patch ripped out leaving a bald patch just like mine!


Slaphead said...

300 2.8 is L and 1.4 MKII converter on Waders 1d MKIII.

Mutts nuts.

Jeff said...

Tis indeed a fine piece of glass,glad he's finally seen the light.
Now a nice new 1DX bolted on the end of it would be the perfect match !!

Unknown said...

Quality shots with a quality lens, then again I would say that having had one for the last two years.

Slaphead said...

Incredibly sharp,if Carlsberg made a lens....

Richard G. Smith said...

I told you didn't I.........
Do you still want to swap?
Get the 2x extender and have a 600mm f4 which will still be epic!

Slaphead said...

Do you want to swap?

Jeff said...

Wouldn't you lose two f stops to 5.6 with a 2x converter Rich?
Still very useful mind and reputed to be Canon's sharpest lens at 300mm.

Slaphead said...

Reputed to be Canon's sharpest lens FULL STOP mate,some say it is so sharp,that when you are taking out of the case you need protective gloves.

I think Smudger is having a senior mathematical moment Jeff.