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Friday, 5 July 2013

Wallets at the ready.

Pacific swift, then
Needle tailed swift then,
Bridled tern....
and now Ascension Frigatebird.!!!!!!!


Alex said...

The Brean Yellow-nosed Albatross was on 29th June so obviously all this Seawatching in September after a blow is a waste of time. Get the deck chair out and head down the beach mid summer! Currently on stand by should it reappear. Not seen since 9am.

Seymour said...

Saw the swift, don't need the tern, gutted 'bout the Needletail and will zoom north if this world tick reappears

steve howcroft said...

Pallas gull reported in norfolk

MITCH said...

For Christ sake! lets have something a bit nearer.

Joek Roex said...

Friggin' bird.

Alex said...

We had Frigatebird on Flat Holm.... How much bloody nearer do you want it ;-)

Aspect said...

is that the collective 'we',the royal 'we' or the I wish I was one of those lucky buggers 'we'? and now a poss gt black headed gull in Norfolk,what ever next?

MITCH said...

Yes i think we all missed that one along with the Y N Albatross, B B Storm petrel etc. Anyone fancy starting Bristol channel pelagics?

Jeff said...

Seen again at 4.00pm according to Birdguides !!

tiger said...

distant flight shot on BG tonight