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Tuesday 28 December 2010

Cape Shelduck

This bird that has just been reported at dunraven on Glambirds site was seen by myself on the 13th Dec nr the sewerage wks at ogmore where the ewenny joins the ogmore river, I didn't get much of a view as I flushed it before noticing it was on the water then it landed on the opposite bank with the sun right behind. By the time I got round there to take a photo it had gone. I had no idea what it was as it's not in my field guides, strange it could loiter in the area without being spotted for 2 weeks by the numerous birders in the area...


Clive Ellis said...

It has been around for a while,certainly from late November.
Probably not headline news because presumed escape.

DRWG said...

I'm afraid this species is of unknown origin and will only be recorded in Appendix I in EGBR under escapes etc. It's unfortunate that some geese & ducks are tarred with the escape tag, but we must always err on the side of caution with some wildfowl species.
Egyptian Goose is still classified as an escape in VC41 although we do have wanderers from time to time. However I am of the opinion that Rose-ringed Parakeet may be a true wanderer from the Thames Valley population, they are regular in the Bristol area these days - however DEFRA have put a bounty on their heads and they could end up like the Ruddy Duck!