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Tuesday 28 December 2010

Ring Billed Gull

RBG reported at Rumney Great wharf this morning. Report to RBA timed at 10.46 am. Saw a Goldcrest today so at least 1 has survived.


Clive Ellis said...

Had 4 today although they looked awful miserable.

As for the RB Gull,it would more than likely get disputed/ridiculed/binned/chucked out if reported on the usual sites don't you think?I for one am reluctant to post any further scarce/rare finds in future.What a shame considering the hours put in on one of the poorer birding parts of Glam.

Randal M Snowdrop said...

Clive, was it you that had the RBG at RGW?

Clive Ellis said...

With my reputation to think of??
There are 2 fuscus LBBG on the tip usually together.