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Friday 31 December 2010

Larus Help/String

Apologies in advance for posting this image, but being a novice with large gull ID, I thought I'd seek help. I popped to Cosmeston this morning to see if the Snipes YLG was still about and got on this gull which at first suggested the above, but then had me scratching my swede after showing some unconvincing features. It seemed quite delicate for YLG, and was completely unmarked on head and neck. The mantle seemed good for it, but when taking to the air after a long frustrating wait to show its legs after swimming about for 30mins, the colour (dull yellow/green) didn't feel right for YLG. Thought I'd finish of the year with a bit of festive stringing....


Clive Ellis said...

Well you don't need my help then :]....YLG at Lamby this am ,but thought i'd keep that to myself...Happy New Year Mat.

Meehan said...

Your input is always welcome Clive! Its just prob an odd looking Herring Gull...., oh well.
Have a Great New Year Clive!

Clive Ellis said...

Herring Gull has pink legs at all ages,whereas YLGs are not always yellow.Also this bird has not got that compact look of HG (if compared with the LBBG in the background),the grey colouring does not quite reach the back of the neck,but that could just be posture.It points towards YLG.Pity you hav'nt got a flight shot Mat.
Strange thing is i was talking with Mitch this am and IDing some of our local gulls is,to say the least,littered with oddities and the more you look the more you question the bloody things.
How many adult gull sp with dark eyes in this area?Caspian?..yet to be properly identified and recorded,but they're out there.How many of us can be bothered to really have a close look at them unless the differances are too obvious?

Meehan said...

Thanks for the feedback Clive, I'm starting to lean towards a funny looking argentatus now..., It didn't suggest this with its delicate rather than compact shape. It never stood on the ice, and had distant-ish views before it flew off. I went back to try and relocate, but no sign. I'll just throw it into the 'let it go' category.., Hope you get a LEO for the new year mate! :-)

John Wilson said...

If it's any help this isn't the bird I saw. Grey looks far too pale although the v clean head suggests YLG. My bird was 'warm' grey, or elephant grey as I always refer to it. Also my bird was standing out on the ice and had not clean yellow, but dirty yellowy-green legs. However I always find that the light can play tricks and even LBBGs can look more greyish rather than slate coloured in certain lights. Maybe your bird was the YLG [given teh leg colour you saw] and your pic is sufferieng from the same trick of the light in that the grey looks paler than it really was.

John Wilson said...

Sorry, meant to say "doesn't look like the bird I saw", but givent eh provisos re light that followed in my ramblings.

MauriceC said...

Don't forget that male gulls are larger and generally more 'butch' looking than females.

Paul Parsons said...

Unless they are in the valleys.

Meehan said...

Thanks for the feedback Lads. I like em' butch Sid!

Clive Ellis said...
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